Tag: 2024

  • Letter 5: Lessons

    Letter 5: Lessons

    Life has a funny way of teaching you lessons. They’re not always clear – honestly, they’re rarely straightforward, but they are there, if you pay attention. You’ll also likely not realise they’re actually lessons until well after the fact, sometimes years later, but there’s a lesson in everything if you’re willing to learn. And oh,…

  • Letter 4: Growth

    Letter 4: Growth

    Sometimes, you’ll find out you don’t mesh with people anymore. It will feel like it’s you – to be honest, I still haven’t convinced myself it isn’t (it’s a work in progress), but as your very wise therapist pointed out yesterday, there are patterns around you you keep falling into. People you find yourself around…

  • Letter 3: Maladaptive

    Letter 3: Maladaptive

    Sometimes, we need maladaptive behaviours to get us through. Sometimes, those behaviours are actions. Sometimes, those behaviours keep toxic people around to have a safety net. Sometimes, those behaviours involve engaging in media or activities that help in the moment, but are worse in the long term. Don’t feel guilty for trying desperately to survive,…

  • Letter 2: Family Feelings

    Letter 2: Family Feelings

    It’s okay to feel confused towards your family. It’s okay to hate them whilst having a deep-set, almost guilt-laden love for them. Tangled up in questions about their behaviour, both good and bad. It’s okay to have no clue how to respond or feel when they are ill, close to dying or when they die.…

  • Letter 1: Instincts

    Letter 1: Instincts

    If you have to question, second guess yourself, and spend hours wondering and puzzling over if someone’s actions towards you are abusive, harmful, or wrong. Chances are, they are. Please don’t ignore your instincts, especially when they are yelling at you. 27th October 2024