Life has a funny way of teaching you lessons.
They’re not always clear – honestly, they’re rarely straightforward, but they are there, if you pay attention.
You’ll also likely not realise they’re actually lessons until well after the fact, sometimes years later, but there’s a lesson in everything if you’re willing to learn.
And oh, those lessons burn sometimes. They will hurt, and they’re something you don’t want to have to go through. But you’ll go through them anyway, mentally kicking and screaming, because the last thing you want is stagnancy, especially when that stagnancy has been forced these past few years.
If you give into the process and remember to look for the lesson while you’re drowning, you might surface for air a bit quicker than if you thrash and fight. But you might not. It’s a simple fact of life that sometimes you might have to endure, and I’m sorry about that. I’m so sorry for all the pain you will have to endure just to make it through the day.
Sometimes, enduring for enduring’s sake is the only way to get through, and it’s not fair. But life rarely is, so we’ll take the lessons because there has to be a lesson or five from all our suffering.
However, suffering without learning or lessons is what happens in life.
Yes, everything I just wrote is basically blatantly bullshit, but one of the ‘lessons’ I learnt is that we have to find the lessons; we have to bend all that suffering to our will because otherwise, I think we might have gone mad by now.
You will force yourself to learn when you cannot breathe through the pain. You will force yourself to grow in untenable situations. You will force yourself to survive and heal what that survival has cost you.
Even now, I don’t know how we’ve come this far or how we’ve survived, but we have, and that’s a lesson in itself.
3rd November 2024