Life lessons, commiserations, quotes, and advice without rose-tinted glasses I wish I knew when I was younger.
Life has a funny way of teaching you lessons. They’re not always clear – honestly, they’re rarely straightforward, but they…
Letter 4: Growth
Sometimes, you’ll find out you don’t mesh with people anymore. It will feel like it’s you – to be honest,…
Letter 3: Maladaptive
Sometimes, we need maladaptive behaviours to get us through. Sometimes, those behaviours are actions. Sometimes, those behaviours keep toxic people…
Letter 2: Family Feelings
It’s okay to feel confused towards your family. It’s okay to hate them whilst having a deep-set, almost guilt-laden love…
Letter 1: Instincts
If you have to question, second guess yourself, and spend hours wondering and puzzling over if someone’s actions towards you…